Looking for a GoDaddy domain coupon? GoDaddy domain registrations are already some of the cheapest around and GoDaddy often has special promotions for their domain names right on their site like free privacy protection with the purchase of 6 or more domains and discounts on bulk domain purchases. Webmaster can often find other GoDaddy domain coupons that can knock another 10% of the entire GoDaddy order. Use any of our GoDaddy links to visit the official GoDaddy site and see the 10% discount offer at the top of the site. In addition to the GoDaddy domain coupon webmasters may notice other special offers on related products like web hosting and SSL certificates.
GoDaddy has been a major player in the web hosting and Internet services industry for many years. Because of their extensive advertising efforts, like the GoDaddy SuperBowl commercials and Las Vegas billboards, GoDaddy is fairly well known even outside of the web hosting industry. In addition to some of the best deals on web hosting, GoDaddy offers both Windows and Linux hosting platforms, they also offer many complimentary services that webmasters may need including email services, website building tools, search engine optimization tools and management options, SSL certificates and other security options to help protect every GoDaddy website, and much more.
Use our GoDaddy links to take advantage of this GoDaddy domain coupon. For the webmaster not sure of all the specifics of domain name registration the GoDaddy site offers several videos explaining “why you need a domain”, “how you can use a domain” and many others containing information on everything from navigating the GoDaddy website to why GoDaddy is a good choice for web hosting (and it doesn’t hurt that they all feature the hot GoDaddy girls). GoDaddy domain names start as low as $1.99 for a .info domain (on the current promotion). GoDaddy offers many additional domain extensions that will work great for different types of businesses as well as global markets current GoDaddy domain promotions include:
- .asia at $19.99 per year
- .biz for $5.99 per year
- .ca $12.99 per year
- .co now just $14.99 per year (great for global businesses)
- .com for $11.99 per year
- .me now just $9.99 per year
- .mobi $6.99 per year
- .net domains for $9.99 per year
- .org $9.99 per year (great for non profit organizations)
- .tv domains for $29.99
- .us for $4.99
- .ws for $14.99
Choosing a domain extension that is related to your industry and the market you are trying to reach can help others remember your domain name and help with search engine optimization. While .com is very generic and the easiest for people to remember, there are so many registered .com domains that finding a relevant domain name that is not too long or hard to remember that is still available can be very difficult. Using an alternate domain extension like .us can open up many new possibilities and is very easy to remember. Just be sure to use the .us in all your branding so that someone not familiar with your website doesn’t automatically assume it is a .com site. If you are set on a .com domain be sure and check out the GoDaddy domain auctions to see if a .com you want is for sale.