What is a domain name? Domain names are actually Internet Protocol addresses or IP addresses. Instead of using the numbers that you may look like 123.456.7.8 you would see mywebsitename dot com. Just as it would not be wise to number each person on earth and call them by their number it would be inefficient to think that we could remember the numeric IP address for every single site on the internet.
There are many kinds of domain names. The first part of the address may start with http::// or www. There are many ways it can be done. Also, the ending can be very different (.com, .net, .info, .us, and others).
Anyone wanting to build a website will use a domain name of some sort. The domain name is usually a clear indicator of what you will see when you get to the site. The choice of name can be crucial in a business aspect as you would naturally want a domain name that stood out and was memorable for your clients and customers. Some domain names are in such high demand that people will pay amazing amounts of money just to own a certain name.
To get a domain name you have to first look up the availability of the name you are looking for. If you go to a site such as GoDaddy you can find out if the name you want is available as well as purchasing your domain. If you want to park your domain there you may do so or if you choose to have web hosting through that company you can do that as well. There are many companies that provide this service.
A fun feature that can be found is that by owning a domain name and finding web hosting with e-mail features is that your e-mail can be yourname at yourdomainname dot com. This is a great way to market yourself if you are in business and if it is for personal use it is a unique way to let people know where to find you on the internet.